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Virginie Canoine
Leonida Fusani
Sarah London
Scott Peterson

Kiran Soma


Colin Saldanha
Doug Schultz

R. Scott Peterson

Graduate Student, Department of Physiological Science, Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology,
Brain Research Institute, UCLA

Principle Research Interests:
Cellular and molecular neuroscience. Sex steroid modulation of the physiological processes inherent to neuroprotection and neural plasticity. The regulation of steroidogenesis in the zebra finch model of experimental brain injury. In situ hybridization, immunocytochemistry, biochemistry, RT-PCR, electron microscopy, electrophoresis, stereotaxic surgery.


M.S. 1997-1998 University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Department of Physiological Science
B.A. 1993-1996 The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 Behavioral Biology Program

Positions Held:
Teaching Assistant Consultant 2000-present Department.of Physiological Science, UCLA
Teaching Associate 1999-present Department of Physiological Science, UCLA
Teaching Assistant 1997-1999 Department.of Physiological Science, UCLA

Selected Publications:
Peterson, R.S., C.J. Saldanha and B.A. Schlinger. 2001. Rapid upregulation of aromatase mRNA and protein following neural injury in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 13 (4) 317-323.

Selected Abstracts:
R. Scott Peterson, Colin J. Saldanha, and Barney A. Schlinger. (2000) Aromatase is rapidly transcribed and translated in glia following neural injury in the zebra finch. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts.

The Society for Neuroscience Student Member
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Student Member


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